Your True Self

I hear my Abba's still, small voice: “Come forward, My child. Draw near. Though others expect you to remain in the shadows of unimportance, I entreat you to step forward in all of the uniqueness that I have placed inside you. I celebrate who I made you to be! That’s how much I treasure you!... Continue Reading →

Your Shield and Protector!

I hear my Abba's still, small voice: “I am the One who rides the heavens in majesty to hasten to your side, My child. I support you from beneath with My everlasting arms of love. I drive out the enemies who stand before you and I remove obstacles that are too heavy for you."

Come Alive!

I hear my Abba's still, small voice: “Are you willing to follow Me so closely that your journey leads you to discover who it is that I have created you to be? Isn’t this what you are really looking for?

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